Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!!!

2011 has been quite the year...Not only have there been many changes in our personal lives as I know is true for many of you but Brittany and I have been extremly blessed to find our niche in starting B.Loved.  So I wanted to do a small recap and also talk a little about some exciting things to come!!! For Brittany and I this last year has been quite the whirlwind. For those of you who don't know it, get ready for a little B.Loved history( its pretty short don't worry). B.Loved started around February of last year with a phone call from me to Britt and it went something like "hey, do you want to start a business together doing hair and makeup?" She said yes and we went from there. B.Loved quickly went from a few fun side jobs to a full on legit business. We made it totally offical and in October we were B.Loved Stylists LLC. In this last year we have done some pretty amazing stuff. From a commercial with Cloud Nine, getting the realtor ready for House Hunters on HGTV, weddings every weekend, training  in Chicago, photoshoots with both new brial boutiques in the Peoria area, Cloud Nine Bridal and Adore Bridal. We have been beyond blessed with all of the opportunities we have had in the last year and how quickly our business has grown. We have met and worked with some pretty amazing people as well. 2012 brings a full year fun and excitment as B.Loved grows. We are already filling up with around 40 or so weddings already on the books. We are also looking forward to offering some pretty new and amazing skin care products as well. B.Loved is growing by leaps an bounds and we are passionate about sharing our knowledge and our skills with all of you. Brittany and I are soo thankful for this last year and we are anxiously awaiting the start of the New Year...Who knows what's in store?? The SKY is the limit..RIGHT?? So to bring us into twenty twelve here are some pics of this last years events!! Oh and Remember as we start this New Year..ALWAYS.B.LOVED!!

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